For You Consideration

"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." (Cesar Chavez)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Creating a Community of Change Agents

UCF Stands for Opportunity –

I love being a part of this amazing university.  My work, along with that of many others to ensure the success of every student, is resolute; it does not waiver and it’s not negotiable. 

Our collective work as members of this institution should be to advocate for and collectively support a campus dedicated to the health, safety and success of every student, faculty and staff member, as well as every other stakeholder that steps foot on our beloved campus.

Over the last nearly seven years, I have worked with some of the most amazing students.  We’ve worked collectively to create programs, policies, and initiatives focused on student success.  Our collective work continues.

I am looking for a force of “just minded students” who see their living and learning community as a place where each student is critical as an important asset to the whole community.  I need a force that believes that civility; justice and safety should be experienced beyond the words spoken. 

I want to co-create a movement, owned by our students, lead by our students, and celebrated by our students where their living and learning community is absent of sexual, dating, and intimate partner violence, bullying, hazing, stalking, physical assault and other forms of violence, because these are not an acceptable part of the culture of this community.  I need a force of students who will demonstrate what it means to “Do the Knight Thing!”

Let’s start with hazing and hazing.  We’ve just ended “National Hazing Prevention Week,” with re-commitments to intolerance of this behavior from our students.  Our institutional is clear regarding its view of hazing.  Hazing is an abuse of power and relationships, and its purpose is to demean others. Hazing has no place at the University of Central Florida.

One researcher has described hazing as, “bullying with college credit.”  

October begins “National Anti-Bullying Month” or “Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.”  Bullying doesn’t end at high school graduation.  In a recent study, researchers found 15% of college students acknowledged being bullied, 22% said they had been cyber-bullied and 42% stated they witnessed another student being bullied and said nothing. 

Our campus should be bully-free and it should be violence-free.

Dr. Maribeth Ehasz speaks with no hesitation when she states, “UCF succeeds only when we all participate in setting and adhering to the highest standards of behavior.  In doing so, we ensure that the UCF community remains a vigorous center for intellectual engagement and growth.”

At UCF, we pride ourselves on providing a safe and inclusive environment to our students, faculty and staff. The UCF Creed - Integrity, Scholarship, Community, Creativity, and Excellence are the core values that guide our conduct, performance, and decisions. 

I believe this is what it means to “Do the Knight Thing!”  We, as members of our community, must address violence in all its forms and be willing to stand up, speak out, intervene and address instances of violence when and where we see them.

There are lots of reasons I hear not to intervene.  Some say, “Well, it’s not your business,” or “Don’t get involved where you’re not wanted,” or “Don’t be a downer,” or “Look dude, you don’t want to be a ‘cock blocker’ or something!” 

The lives, emotional well being and issues of safety may be at risk.  Care enough about those you share this community with to help them stay safe.  Being an “upstander” or bystander who has chosen to care about their community and the people in it, demonstrates compassionate leadership and a commitment to UCF’s CREED.  The commitment of preventing violence and promoting civility, health, and respect at UCF is a call for creating student success.

I hope you will join me.  Let’s get started.   

Join my on the “Do the Knight Thing” Facebook at

Trigger Warning!!!  Bullied youth fights back!


1 comment:

  1. The news reporter seems begin with victim blaming. "Are you a wiseguy?" "What have you done?" Does it really matter if the guy IS a wise guy? Or "provoked" the situation? No one deserves to be physically harmed REGARDLESS.
